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B. P. Hasdeu Memorial Musem

B. P. Hasdeu Memorial Musem

Located in Campina, the museum works in “Iulia Hasdeu Castle” – unique building with heavy symbolism, built between 1894-1896 according to the plans made by the architect Toma Dobrescu, after the indications given by B.P. Hasdeu himself, received – as he confessed – from his deceased daughter, Iulia, in spiritism sessions. The uniqueness of the building is given by the combination of the architecture and decorations in a series of symbols that provide the temple a strange metaphysical atmosphere.

A memorial museum runs here since 1965 (with interruptions during 1977-1995). The exhibition documents the history of Hasdeu family: documents, family photos, manuscripts, furniture and personal objects that belonged to the scholar and his family. An interesting point of the exhibition is represented by pieces talking about Hasdeu’s passion for spiritism.

Hasdeu Museum is the most visited target in the entire area of Campina; it is a very active and dynamic cultural institution, frequently organizing high quality artistic and scientific events, that rivals those of the Capital City.

Monday: closed.
Tuesday – Sunday: 9.00 – 17.00 (March 1 to October 31)
                                  8.00 – 16.00 (November 1 – 28/29 February)
Visiting fee: 10 lei – adults; 6 lei – pupils, students, pensioners (audio guide included). Reduced fees for groups. Thursdays, visits are free.



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December 6, 2015

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