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The monument of the Three Kings

The monument of the Three Kings

As Breaza was a model village in the interwar period, and was often visited by the Royal Family, the locals raised here, in a visible place on the national road, a monument evoking the three kings that modernised Romania: Charles the 1st, Fedinand and Charles the 2nd. Built in 1934, in the modernist style of the era, the assembly consisted of several blocks of stone bearing bas-reliefs of the coat of arms, the royal crown, the profile faces of the kings – all works in bronze by the sculptor Ion T. Aldea.

Unfortunately, the monument has suffered repeated vandalism before 1989 – it is said that first, the Legionnaires took off the kings’ effigies to erase the memory of their enemy, Charles the 2nd. Today few people know the story of the gray stone blocks, still standing under the trees of the churchyard…


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January 25, 2017

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