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Currently in the city there are centers for natural treatments, balneology and spa, most of them offering, in addition to the basic services, both accommodation and countless opportunities for relaxation and leisure.


A famous unit in our town is The “Eden” Center of Health and Preventive Medicine. This medical institution, with an activity of more than 17 years, based primarily on the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases typical for our modern civilization (atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases which it brings about, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and nutritional disorders, diseases of the locomotor apparatus, autoimmune diseases, diseases of the digestive tract, stress and its consequences, neoplasia etc.) by the simple means of a correct diet joined with medical physical exercises adapted to the particular needs of the patients, hydrotherapy and the use of herbal teas and fruit or vegetable juices, along with quitting one’s vices (smoking, alcohol, consumption, etc).

This centre can boast not only with the treatments listed above, but also with the accommodation, the professional employees and its arrangement, as in terms of buildings as much as outdoor garden.

Official website: https://www.fundatiaeden.ro/en.html

Hotel G Club

We have to mention The Natural Therapy Complex “Alexandra”, which largely uses Hofigal products within the natural treatments. It is well-known for the efficacy of its balneology type procedures, referring to – reflexology, massage, salt spa, spirulina wraps, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, sauna, underwater shower, magnet therapy, electrotherapy, diet therapy etc.

Official website: https://www.alexandra-hofigal.ro/

Complexul medical Alexandra

Lung Diseases Hospital it is a sanatorium specialized in treating lung diseases. It has been founded around 1944 and persisted through the years so far. With a capacity of 85 bed places it is located in a picturesque position with panoramic view over the Prahova valley.

Official website: https://www.spital-breaza.ro

spital pulmonar


A SPA center is represented by G Club SPA, as a matter of fact another option for complete services targeting leisure and holidays relaxation. Member of the G Club complex (which apart from spa offers accommodation, football and tennis courts, hikes, team building schedules and physical maintenance rooms) G Club SPA provides a wide range of services such as: massage with volcanic stones, silicone massage pads, anti-cellulite massage , relaxation massage, reflexology, milk baths, wine baths, saline spa, dry sauna, wet sauna, infrared sauna, aromatherapy, chromotherapy, Vichy shower, chocolate wraps, paraffin treatment for hands and feet, posturotest, electro stimulation, lymphatic drainage, thermal blanket, Termocream wraps.

In addition, within the spa resort you will find an indoor semi-Olympic pool opened all year round, with a length of 25m, a width of 8m and a depth of 1.55 m having a constant water temperature of 28 degrees. Alongside of the pool, as an extension, there is a generous sized jacuzzi hot tub and a mini waterfall. More than that, children can benefit from swimming lessons provided by qualified instructors.

Official website: https://gclub.ro/en/spa-center

Tratament - SPA Gclub

Another SPA is to be found at Lac de Verde – Golf & Leisure Resort, a famous resort in Romania that besides accommodation, relaxation and golf services, has available to its customers – massages, swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi, golf & soccer courts, tennis and table tennis, billiards, meeting facilities and a 4-star hotel

Official website: https://www.lacdeverde.ro/en


Vremea in Breaza

Curs Valutar

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  • 266,408


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