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Food Services

Trade in Breaza is developed, represented by specialized all-in-one stores, such as agro mixed shops, or by one-profile-based, such as chemist’s shops or gas stations. The products are delivered to retailers. Fruit and vegetable needs of the local population are provided from its own production, whilst the excess amounts are sent to be sold in markets from neighboring towns and cities. It is also true that for the population and tourists have been developed supplies of services catering and accommodation hostels and other service categories such as hairdressing or dressmaking, various repairs, etc.


  • Aleea Nucilor, near the Town Hall, famous for meat processing products (sausages, pastrami)

Aleea Nucilor Aleea2 Aleea3

  • Havana (former Temperanta Restaurant) on Republicii street, next to the Post Office; tel. 0736 521 978

RESTAURANT HAVANA Breaza 12733569_1285877991439007_4111264361148063883_n PIZZERIE -RESTAURANT HAVANA Breaza

  • G Club, No. 17 Republicii street, contact: rezervari@gclub.ro; 0244.341.786; 0244.341.787; 0740.313.130

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  • Belvedere, on DN1, in Nistoreşti, contact 0244.345.100

Belvedere1   Belvedere2   Belvedere4

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  • Casa David, 60 places, Romanian cuisine. Tel. 0722.673.426; 0722.221.651

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  • Eldiv, pizza-restaurant, indoor and outdoor places, in the town-centre. Tel. 0733.113535

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  • Lac de Verde – A la carte restaurant, Romanian and International cuisine. Tel. 0754.093291

lac de verde  lac de verde restaurant2

  • Rază de Soare – A la carte restaurant, 50 places. Tel. 0721.272345

Raza de Soare  Raza de Soare 2  Raza de Soare 3 (1024x683)

Vremea in Breaza

Curs Valutar

Pret carburant


  • 1
  • 27
  • 96
  • 266,406


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