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Besides treating a wide range of conditions, Breaza also offers tourists who visit it recreational opportunities such as outdoor walks in parks, hiking the wooded hills surrounding the city, traditional meals, cultural activities. Even if the city is visited by numerous tourists, the only noise disrupting the silence is birds singing in the hot summer days.

Free time
  • Horse riding: The Riding Club HORSES 4U – Valea Târsei neighborhood, No 6, Cătinei entrance. Services: initiation into horseback riding, horseback rides, carriage rides, horse rental (for recreation, commercials, movies, special events, weddings, christenings, harnesses with 1, 2 or 4 horses), pensions for horses, as well as horses transportations.   “4U” stud farm has over 100 horses, mostly of pure Dutch (Frisian) breed. Contact number: 0722.311091 / 0244.340373. Email: 4uoffice@gmail.com
  • Cycling
  • Water activities:SPA (including: pool complex, saline, fitness, tennis court) within G Club; No 17, Republicii street. Contact number: 0244.341786 / 0244.341787 / 0740.313130.   – Outdoor lido “Cristal” swimming pool (for adults and children), restaurant, picnic area, synthetic mini football pitch, all in Podu-Vadului neighborhood, no. 1, 23 August street. Contact number: 0723.365.735
  • Hunting
  • Farm country meals: “Plaiul Tălii” organic farm – No. 55 A, Talea street. Agritourism programs: a day at the sheepfold; encounter with nature during a picnic at Plaiu Tălii. Contact number: 0728.881.745, for Prahova Valley, and 0722.879.557, for Bucharest. E-mail: vanzari@plaiultalii.ro
Trekking routes
  • to Gurga Hill  (Micul Caraiman-743 m ), from Moldovei street (30 minutes);
  • to Sinoiu Hill (742m) from the train (ci nu “railway”) station Breaza, just over the Prahova river by Cornu de Sus village (red point mark – 90 minutes);
  • to Lazului Hill (Pietriș point) – Plaiul Tălii, starting on Plaiului street in Capu-Câmpului, (blue point mark -70 minutes).
Cultural routes
Sport activities
Trips to surrounding areas


Arta Casnică SCM Breaza: manufactures blouses, shirts , “ii” , doublet , macramé, carpets

No. 57, Republicii street

Contact number: 004/0244 – 340741.

Official website: https://artacasnica.blogspot.ro/


S.C. Victorion Luxury Fashion S.R.L.  manufactures “ii”, blouses, accessories, antimacassar, tablecloths etc. (administrator: Anda Mănescu)

No. 76, Republicii street

Contact number: 0730.492111.

Official website: https://iibreaza.ro


Prăvălia cu ii: manufactures and merchandises traditional and modern “ii” with different models, starting 180 ron

Contact number: 0735.418601.

Official website: https://pravaliacuii.ro


P.F. Oproiu Gh. Ecaterina: manufactures “ii” with national motifs, specific to Muntenia area.

No. 24, Griviței street,

Contact number: 0244.341383.

Official website: https://artizanat-breaza.ro

oproiu ecaterina

Ia Românească/P.F.A. Bolintineanu Alexandra Cristina: manufactures and merchandises online “ii” with national motifs, handmade in the local households.

Contact number: 0722.456732.

Official website: https://iaromaneasca.com


Souvenir shops, natural and traditional products stores:


No. 6, Republicii street

Contact number: 0733.932808.

Official website:


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Republicii street, Downtown

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PLAFAR – pharmacy and natural products.

Downtown marketplace – traditional products.

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Vremea in Breaza

Curs Valutar

Pret carburant


  • 0
  • 28
  • 96
  • 266,407


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