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A phenomenon present in Breaza area is represented by groundwater. Sunătoarea Spring  once represented the only source of water for the nearby city, Campina. The uptake of water was done in November 1912. Another valuable source is in Capu Câmpului district, at Sipot.

The mineralization of groundwater is low or middle (200- 500 mg / l) and carbonated waters dominate. There also are springs with high mineralization due to the presence of gypsum. So is the sulfur spring from Gurga foothills, namely Cacova Spring.  Institute of Balneophysiotherapy in Bucharest determined that waters across Breaza are sulphate, chloride and hypotonic, recommended for gastro-intestinal disease (hyperacidity gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, spastic colitis, habitual constipation), chronic hepatitis, toxic-infectious or viral , chronic cholecystitis, biliary postoperative sequelae, gout, obesity, diabetes, simple, anemia, chronic dermatoses fund hepatic impairment, biliary dyskinesia.

Conditions cure resort is recommended in these cases: asthenic neurosis, syndromes, neuro-asteniforme substance somatic diseases endocrinometabolice (diabetes, hyperthyroidism and dyslipidemia), peripheral circulatory disorders, hypertension, respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, faringolaringite chronic scleroemfizem lung).Throughout the city there are also salty springs from Valea Morii, Livezi and Valea Slăniţei., the latter being used for its therapeutic effects since 1833 in Băile Oştirii Tării Româneşti

Lac de verde Breaza teren de golf


Vremea in Breaza

Curs Valutar

Pret carburant


  • 0
  • 75
  • 69
  • 262,779


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